Yudum Supports Local Production, Stands by Farmers

Local Sunflower Seed Development Project
With our Yudum brand, we initiated the Local Sunflower Seed Development Project in 2020 in cooperation with the Seed Association and with the technical support of the Directorate of Trakya Agricultural Research Institute. This project will be a milestone in the development of high-yielding domestic seeds and increasing the diversity in Turkey. With the project, we aim to develop domestic sunflower seeds in Turkey and to obtain high-quality domestic varieties that will ensure we have a say in the world market in terms of yield and quality.

As part of the Local Sunflower Seed Development Project, we first planted and tested 10 varieties of domestic seeds in three different test fields determined in Tekirdağ Muratlı, Edirne Keşan and Istanbul Silivri districts in the Thrace region, and harvested their crops for the first time in 2021. In the second year of our project, the crops of 10 varieties of sunflower seeds planted in the Thrace region were evaluated in terms of performance parameters such as yield and oil ratio. Of these 10 seed varieties, 5 showed a performance above the accepted averages in the region, and the other 5 new varieties were also included in the test planting project in Konya. A total of 10 varieties of domestic sunflower seeds were planted in Yağlıbayat, Yenikent, Göçü, Ovakavağı, Yarma and Karakaya villages in Konya.

Within the scope of the project, a farmers’ network was established with the participation of farmers from Thrace and Konya. While providing seed and training support to farmers in the farmers’ network, we prioritized women, young people and those in need. Farmers benefited from face-to-face trainings and technical practice support during the project.

The Local Sunflower…

Bounties of Nature in the Aegean, and Women’s Endeavours

Yudum, which was founded in Ayvalık 30 years ago and became Turkey’s most popular liquid oil, strengthens its ties with its hometown with a new social responsibility project.

Egemden olive oil, the youngest member of Yudum family, is realising a very important mission with the Project titled “Bounties of Nature in the Aegean, and Women’s Endeavours” while bringing the quality of Ayvalık olive oils to dining tables. Yudum’s Project titled “ Bounties of Nature in the Aegean, and Women’s Endeavours”, which started with the cooperation of Ayvalık Municipality and City Council, provides an opportunity for women of Ayvalık who would like to become a productive member of society and contribute to the their household economy. Egemden bottles that come to life with the dreams of women of Ayvalık, each of which is virtually a work of art, are becoming Yudum’s picture of happiness.

Another aim of the project is to protect the culture and values of Ayvalık. For this reason, bottle designs are inspired by images that are synonimus with Ayvalık, such as olive trees, cats of Ayvalık and historical doors…

Contributing also to new friendships among those with similar dreams, Yudum’s project “Bounties of Nature in the Aegean, and Women’s Endeavours” opens new doors to a brand-new life for these individuals by helping them contribute to their domestic budget.

Here is to “Good Health” with the Project “Bounties of Nature in the Aegean, and Women’s Endeavours”…



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